New Year’s Day has been celebrated in various ways since ancient times and marks the renewal of a person’s determination to open the way happiness. In the Gosho, “Reply to Akimoto” (“Akimoto dono gohenji”), Nichiren Daishonin states:
Nichiren Daishonin states:
In the Gosho, “The Daimoku of the Lotus Sutra,” Nichiren Daishonin states, “‘Myo‘ means to revive, that is, to return to life.” (Gosho, p. 360; M.W., Vol. 3, p. 23) The Chinese character “Myo” of Myoho-Renge-Kyo contains many profound meanings and this profundity characterizes Myoho-Renge-Kyo. Myoho has the function of revitalizing the ineffectual teachings of provisional Buddhas. When we believe in and carry out the practice of chanting Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo, our lives, which have been poisoned by provisional teachings and negative karma, will change into lives of enlightenment. In Buddhism, the word “revive” means to change our evil nature into a higher life-condition and to attain Buddhahood.
Making determinations and chanting Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo indicates the significance of New Year’s Day. Even though one may be dressed in beautiful clothes and filled with determination for the new year, without chanting Daimoku, determinations will be short-lived and self-centered. When the festivities are over, one simply returns to a world of delusion and old problems.
In the strictest sense, a genuine New Year’s Day Ceremony is carried out only by Nichiren Shoshupriests and believers who are sincerely practicing to the Gohonzon of the Three Great Secret Laws. We, who bask in the benefit of the True Buddha’s mercy, should recognize New Year’s Gongyo as a most profound and auspicious ceremony that encompasses the meaning of the True Buddha’s enlightenment of kuon-ganjo (time without beginning or end).
As Nichiren Shoshu believers, we should put New Year’s Gongyo first, before other activities. By performing a vigorous
first Gongyo of the year, we become determined to maintain sincere, steadfast faith. We also should strive to develop a confident practice for ourselves and others throughout the year.
Each year, the High Priest performs a solemn New Year’s Gongyo with priests and believers at the Head Temple Taisekiji. Through this ceremony, they are able to show their heartfelt appreciation to the three treasures of Nichiren Shoshu and pray for worldwide propagation, world peace, and happiness for all humankind. Following Gongyo, the High Priest gives warm guidance to all believers, and each participant receives a cup of saké from the offerings made to the Dai-Gohonzon. Each local temple also conducts New Year’s Gongyo following the Nichiren Shoshu tradition of celebrating New Year’s Day.